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Manage HR Activities
October 12, 2022
DHS Extends Two Important I-9 Deadlines That Were to Set to Expire on October 31
For HR representatives across the US, October 31, 2022 promised to be a very scary occasion (for reasons that had nothing to do with Halloween).
By John Fay
Onboard New Hires
January 18, 2022
What’s In A Name? Helping Resolve Form I-9 Document Discrepancies
One of the greatest paradoxes of the Form I-9 is that it takes 15 pages of instructions and a 70+ page manual to describe how to complete a relatively benign-looking 2-page form.
By John Fay
- Manage HR Activities
- Onboard New Hires
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Onboard New Hires
January 11, 2022
How to Help Prevent an E-Verify Tentative Nonconfirmation (TNC)
Imagine, for just a moment, that you’re in HR and you’ve just been “voluntold” to manage your organization’s E-Verify for all newly hired employees.
Manage HR Activities
December 07, 2021
Best Practices Help for Form I-9 Retention and Destruction
By now, we all know and understand that the Form I-9 is often a breeding ground for mistakes, some of which can have significant repercussions while others are of little concern.